The annual "National" pilgrimage to Walsingham is a wonderful time of celebration, worship, fellowship and fun. Heaven and earth come together in that holy place where even skeptics find the Incarnation easier to believe! I've been privileged to attend two "Nationals" over the years when in England on Church ministry. Yesterday, however, all email news from the U.K. has been overshadowed by Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee celebrations . . . understandably.
But I'm grateful to Wayne Horridge (a faithful and indomitable layman from St Mary's Rotherhithe on the south side of the Thames) for snapping this pic of the procession in honour of Our Lady, and getting it out into cyberspace so quickly!
Joy to thee, Queen, within thine ancient dowry -
joy to thee, Queen, for once again thy fame
is noised abroad and spoken of in England
and thy lost children call upon thy name.
Ladye of Walsingham, be as thou hast been -
England's Protectress, our Mother and our Queen!
In ages past, thy palmer-children sought thee
from near and far, a faith-enlightened throng,
bringing their gems, and gold and silver love-gifts
where tapers gleamed, where all was prayer and song.
Ladye of Walsingham, be as thou hast been -
England's Protectress, our Mother and our Queen!
Countless the signs and wonders that men told there,
for not in vain did any pilgrim kneel
before thy throne to seek thy intercession
but thou didst bend to listen and to heal.
Ladye of Walsingham, be as thou hast been -
England's Protectress, our Mother and our Queen!
The Martyrs' blood, like heavenly seed, is scattered;
the harvest now is ripe for us to reap;
the Faith dishonoured now is held in honour;
O help thine own this precious gift to keep!
Ladye of Walsingham, be as thou hast been -
England's Protectress, our Mother and our Queen!
Unto thy Son - unto our sweet Redeemer,
Source of our Hope, our Life, our Joy, once more
we bring the love and loyalty of England
and in his Sacrament we him adore.
Ladye of Walsingham, be as thou hast been -
England's Protectress, our Mother and our Queen!
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