A friend suggested that links to these prayers be put on the blog for the sake of those who may not have noticed them "buried" in the Forward Ministry website. They are part of my collection, TRADITIONAL PRAYERS FOR ANGLICAN CATHOLICS, all of which is HERE. It has been printed in book form and will soon be available for purchase.
Before Mass (William Vickers)
Before Mass ("Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Angels")
Before Mass ("Lord, come to me that thou mayest cleanse me")
Before Mass (". . . incline thy merciful ears to our prayers")
Before Mass ("Cleanse our consciences, we beseech thee O Lord")
Before Mass ("As watchmen look for the morning")
Before Mass (Desiderius Erasmus)
Before Mass (From the Non-Jurors' Liturgy of 1718)
Before Mass ("Like as the hart . . .")
Before Mass (From the Diocese of Bathurst "Red Book")
Before Mass (May this offering avail . . .)
Before Mass (St Thomas Aquinas)
Before Mass (Bishop Lancelot Andrewes)
Before Mass (Bishop Thomas Ken)
Before Mass (Bishop John Cosin)
Before Mass (Thomas Comber)
Oblation (From the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church)
Uniting Heaven and Earth (Bishop Jeremy Taylor)
Encountering Jesus (Eric Milner-White)
The Holy Sacrifice (William Jervois)
The Holy Sacrifice (Charles Wesley)
Ave verum corpus (Attributed to Pope Innocent VI)
To Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (Favourite medieval prayer of Father John Hope)
Acclamation ("O Sacrament most holy . . .")
The Holy Sacrifice (William Bright)
To Jesus, the Risen Lord (i) (Brian Moore, adapted)
To Jesus, the Risen Lord (ii) (Brian Moore, adapted)
Drawing Near (From the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church)
To Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Before Mass ("Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Angels")
Before Mass ("Lord, come to me that thou mayest cleanse me")
Before Mass (". . . incline thy merciful ears to our prayers")
Before Mass ("Cleanse our consciences, we beseech thee O Lord")
Before Mass ("As watchmen look for the morning")
Before Mass (Desiderius Erasmus)
Before Mass (From the Non-Jurors' Liturgy of 1718)
Before Mass ("Like as the hart . . .")
Before Mass (From the Diocese of Bathurst "Red Book")
Before Mass (May this offering avail . . .)
Before Mass (St Thomas Aquinas)
Before Mass (Bishop Lancelot Andrewes)
Before Mass (Bishop Thomas Ken)
Before Mass (Bishop John Cosin)
Before Mass (Thomas Comber)
Oblation (From the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church)
Uniting Heaven and Earth (Bishop Jeremy Taylor)
Encountering Jesus (Eric Milner-White)
The Holy Sacrifice (William Jervois)
The Holy Sacrifice (Charles Wesley)
Ave verum corpus (Attributed to Pope Innocent VI)
To Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (Favourite medieval prayer of Father John Hope)
Acclamation ("O Sacrament most holy . . .")
The Holy Sacrifice (William Bright)
To Jesus, the Risen Lord (i) (Brian Moore, adapted)
To Jesus, the Risen Lord (ii) (Brian Moore, adapted)
Drawing Near (From the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church)
To Jesus, the Lamb of God (Charlotte Elliott)
Act of Spiritual Communion (when attending the Eucharist of a Church whose discipline does not yet allow us to receive Holy Communion sacramentally)
Gratitude (St Richard of Chichester)
Communion (From the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church)
To Whom shall we go?
After Communion (Bishop Thomas Ken)
After Mass (Bishop Jeremy Taylor)
After Mass (Cardinal John Henry Newman)
After Mass (St Basil the Great)
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
To Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Litany of Christ, our Eucharistic King
Adoration in the Christmas Season
Desiring Jesus (Father Ignatius of Llanthony)
Adoro Te (St Thomas Aquinas)
Act of Spiritual Communion (when attending the Eucharist of a Church whose discipline does not yet allow us to receive Holy Communion sacramentally)
Gratitude (St Richard of Chichester)
Communion (From the liturgy of the Catholic Apostolic Church)
To Whom shall we go?
After Communion (Bishop Thomas Ken)
After Mass (Bishop Jeremy Taylor)
After Mass (Cardinal John Henry Newman)
After Mass (St Basil the Great)
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
To Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Litany of Christ, our Eucharistic King
Adoration in the Christmas Season
Desiring Jesus (Father Ignatius of Llanthony)
Adoro Te (St Thomas Aquinas)