The stars around her head represent a decade of the Rosary. The large star is the "Star of Bethlehem." The rose coloured ball in the lower left corner is the earth in turmoil. The glow of Mary's heart is a sign of the love she has for all her children, especially the most helpless and vulnerable.
Continuous weeping over this horrendous evil has blackened our Lady's eyes. The baby's Guardian Angel seems to be both saddened over the death of his charge and grateful for Mary's care and concern. The baby bears the five wounds of our Saviour. Note, both baby and Angel are weeping and the baby's hands are clasped in prayer.
The reason Mary's hand and fingernails are dirty is because she has to scoop and dig out these precious souls from trash bins, garbage dumps, and, as in Wichita, Kansas, from a pile ready to be burned with dead animals at their dog pound.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
intercede for us
that there may be an end
to all the willful killing of life in the womb;
that the little ones be kept safe
in the care of their guardian angels,
and that their mothers experience
the forgiveness and healing of your Son, Jesus.
Mother of the Unborn, pray for us
intercede for us
that there may be an end
to all the willful killing of life in the womb;
that the little ones be kept safe
in the care of their guardian angels,
and that their mothers experience
the forgiveness and healing of your Son, Jesus.
Mother of the Unborn, pray for us
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