being led to his execution (London, UK, 1901)
Go HERE to read an Essay on King Charles by Donald Hole (published by the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham in 1941).
Go HERE to read an Address given by Professor David Flint (at All Saints' Wickham Terrace on this day in 2000).
O God, who by the victory of martyrdom didst exalt thy Servant Charles from his earthly principality
to thy kingdom in heaven;grant that we may always enjoy the effectual defence of his prayers, and live in thy peace all the days of our life; Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth one God, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
(Western Rite)
O Lord God, who out of thine infinite mercy and goodness didst bring back the captivity of Sion, and in good part restore this then afflicted Church, perfect, we beseech thee, this thy great deliverance. Hedge it about with thy continual protection, with the custody of Angels, with the duty of kings and princes, with the hearts and hands of nobles, and with the affections of all good people. Re-unite all our remaining divisions and reconcile our differences, that with one heart and voice we may serve and praise thee in thy holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(from the original office for January 30th
compiled by Dr. Duppa, Bishop of Winchester 1661)
compiled by Dr. Duppa, Bishop of Winchester 1661)
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