Sunday, December 28, 2008

Litany to Jesus, our Eucharistic King

Lord Jesus Christ,
reigning in the glory of heaven,
living in the hearts of your people,
and truly present before us
in this Blessed Sacrament,
we kneel in adoration and love.
We thank you for making us your people
and drawing us into your love;
we thank you for all the blessings you give us
to strengthen us
as we make our pilgrimage
through this world to the heavenly country.

Lord Jesus, our Eternal King,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, most Merciful King,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who came among us in great humility,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who offers us healing and new life,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who rose glorious from the dead,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, our Eucharistic King,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, the King foretold by the prophets,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, King of Heaven and earth,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, in whom,
with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we are One,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, whose Kingdom is not from this world,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, the Beginning and the End,
the Alpha and the Omega,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who will come upon the clouds of Heaven
with Power and Great Glory,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, whose Throne of Grace
we are to approach with confidence,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who, hanging on the cross,
gave your Mother, Mary, to be our mother also,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who desires to heal us
of division and disunity,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, wounded by our indifference,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who pours out the Holy Spirit
upon your people,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, who sends the Holy Angels to protect us,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, before whom every knee shall bow,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, whose reign will never end,
Reign in our hearts.

Lord Jesus, whose kindness toward us is steadfast,
and whose faithfulness endures forever,
Reign in our hearts.


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