The Blessed Sacrament exposed on the Nave Altar
for private prayer
each Sunday morning, 8.45 a.m. to 12.00 midday
until public celebrations of the Mass are permitted.
Yesterday at All Saints' we had a working bee to dust, clean and tidy the church in preparation for opening this morning for private prayer, for the first time in twelve weeks of ‘lockdown.’ It was really wonderful to see people from our church family working together again (socially distanced, of course, and many wearing gloves and face masks!), enjoying renewed fellowship and interaction, and sharing a great sense of anticipation.
We do not know when public worship will be allowed, but permission to open the church for private prayer is a very welcome first step in that direction.
So, over the next few Sundays, the church will be open from 8.45 a.m. to 12.00 noon for private prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament which will have been placed on the nave altar beforehand, surrounded by candles and flowers. We invite you to visit All Saints’ for prayer and reflection during that period each Sunday, and to stay for as little or as long a time as you wish.
Jesus, our Lord and our God,
Son of the Living God and Son of the Virgin Mary,
we believe that you are here, and we adore you.
Veiled beneath the whiteness of the Sacred Host,
we believe that you are present,
in all the perfection of your manhood and divinity,
and we adore you.
With all the angels of heaven,
with your holy Mother Mary,
and with all your saints,
we kneel in humble adoration.
We come to you, dear Lord, like the apostles, saying:
“Increase our Faith.”
Give us a firm and lively faith in your Real Presence.
Give us the faith of the beloved disciple to recognise you and say,
“It is the Lord.”
Give us the faith of Peter to confess you and say,
“You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!”
Give us the faith of Mary Magdalen to fall at your feet crying
“Rabboni, Master!”
Give us the faith of Thomas who in the end believed and said,
“My Lord and my God.”
Give us the faith of all your saints
to whom this Blessed Sacrament was heaven on earth.
In every Communion, at every Mass,
at every visit to you in the Blessed Sacrament,
increase our faith, and inflame our hearts with love for you.
Lord, help us by your grace
always so to believe and understand,
to feel and firmly hold,
to speak and think
of the exceeding Mystery of this Blessed Sacrament,
as shall be pleasing to you and profitable for our souls.
And may your priests continually offer the Holy Sacrifice
in the beauty of holiness,
and your people more and more with delight gather at your altars.
And grant us, Lord,
that, adoring and receiving you upon earth,
we may finally by your mercy be admitted to the heavenly banquet,
where you, the Lamb in the midst of the throne,
in unveiled majesty, are perfectly worshipped and glorified
by countless angels and saints for ever and ever.
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