What a wonderful start to the day as a handful of us gathered at the altar in the Lady Chapel for the Mass of the Transfiguration! Here are inks to previous previous blog posts on this amazing revelation of the Lord's glory, followed by a meditation of Brother Roger of Taizé:
Thoughts on HIS Transfiguration and OURS
Brother Roger of Taizé (1915-2005)
As we celebrate the Transfiguration of Christ
we sing at the same time
the unimaginable prospect of our own transfiguration.
Christ enters us, and changes us into his likeness.
He transfigures everything in us, the good as well as the bad.
For those who are marked by suffering
and by the cross of Christ,
the day will come
when they will be able to burn with the flame
when they will be able to burn with the flame
that is fed with all their past life.
They will know that in God nothing is lost.
Christ does not come to destroy flesh and blood.
He does not break what is in us.
He has not come to abolish but fulfil.
When darkness gathers his loveis fire.
In every man and in every woman
there is a wound,
there is a wound,
inflicted by failures,
humiliations, bad conscience.
humiliations, bad conscience.
Perhaps it was caused at a time
when we needed understanding
when we needed understanding
and nobody was there to give it.
If we moan about this wound,
it becomes a torment an aggressive force
turned against ourselves
and against others
and against others
- often against those who are closest to us.
Transfigured by Christ,
it is changed into a focus of energy
into a source of creativity
where communion, friendship and understanding
and compassion burst forth.
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