Lord Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary,
truly present before us
in this Blessed Sacrament,
you were bom a child and called two chosen ones “mother” and “father.”
Hear us as we call on you and say:
Lord, hear our prayer.
R: Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, eternal Word of the Father,
you made yourself obedient to Mary and Joseph;
make us meek and humble of heart:
R: Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, your mother kept your words and deeds in her heart;
come and open our hearts to your word that we may keep it:
R: Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, through you the world was created,
yet you were raised in the carpenter’s workshop;
bless those countless men and women who work with their hands.
R: Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, all life springs forth from you,
yet you took human life from Mary;
protect all women bearing children,
and guard those soon to be born.
R: Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus, you grew in wisdom, stature and grace before God
and in the midst of your people;
help us to grow in grace as the days, months and years go by.
R: Lord, hear our prayer.
Lord Jesus,
eternally begotten before time began,
you became in time part of our human family.
Give to parents the wisdom, wonder and courage
to journey with their children,
seeking always the mystery of the Father's will.
Give to all of us,
with the increase of years,
an equal measure of growth in your grace,
and respect for those who nurtured and protected us.
Help us to treasure in our hearts
the love you have lavished upon us
in letting us be called your brothers and sisters.
May we come at last
to the home you have prepared for us,
where you live and reign with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
R: Amen.
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