Monday, March 11, 2013

Hey . . . I'm back!

I know that this blog has gone a bit quiet. There are a few reasons: First, I’ve been extremely busy. Second, it IS Lent, during which it’s not a bad thing to make time for some “godly introspection.” Third, I was astonished at the vitriol of a handful of emails I received regarding Benedict XVI following the posts reflecting on his retirement. I was also scolded by a traditionalist acquaintance in the most ungracious language for being “hopeful” about the new Archbishop of Canterbury!

So, what’s a blogger to do? Well, to start with, to remind you that I personally have suffered a great deal for standing up for what I believe to be true, and my convictions have not changed. But I AM among those who seek a creative way forward in the present difficulties the Church is facing, especially the Anglican part of it. Furthermore, I am not intimidated by vigorous debate. I have friends who do not believe in God. I have friends who would like to believe in God but at this stage can’t. I also have close friends across the Christian traditions (and from other faiths) whose beliefs on some matters are diametrically opposed to mine.

The most vicious emails about Pope Benedict were from "liberal" Anglican readers of the blog. (Actually, it still astounds me that within the Anglican world some - thankfully not all! - of those who proudly wear the label “liberal” continue to do all they can to eliminate those of us whose beliefs about the sacraments and the ministry are what most Christians have taught for nearly two thousand years, and which continue to be taught by most of the Christians in the world today with whom our church is engaged in official ecumenical dialogue.)

In contrast, I want to remind you of something I wrote in a post some months ago. It captures the spirit in which this blog is offered:

If you go back through my blog you will see that while I publish original articles from time to time, I mostly share devotional, spiritual, theological, and historical insights from a wide range of writers and teachers, ancient and modern. You’ll also notice that the blog’s purpose is to build up readers in the Gospel of Jesus and the Faith of the Church, rather than to engage in rancorous argument . . .

I have long believed that the image in Psalm 47 of the river whose streams make glad God’s city can be applied to the various streams of spiritual life and heritage that refresh the Church.

These streams must flow together, each enriching the other, even as we pray and work towards real unity and the evangelisation of the world.

So I will continue to share with you items of interest from Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Charismatics, Evangelicals and many others as well . . . sometimes even from “the liberals” when they say helpful things! The sustained growth of the blog’s readership, together with emails received, vindicates this approach.

“Streams of the River making glad the City of God” says it all, really.

So . . . I have a new article just about ready, and will post it before the day is over. Watch this space! And . . .

“. . . do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, 
in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander 
be put away from you, 
with all malice, 
and be kind to one another, 
forgiving one another, 
as God in Christ forgave you.” 

(Ephesians 4:30-32)


Alice C. Linsley said...

You are a good Bishop and a true Anglican. You and I have been tested by fire. May God bless and expand your ministry.

David Chislett said...

Thanks, Alice. That means a lot to me!

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