Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here is the One Whose Breath We Breathe

More from Carlo Carretto:

The experience of God's presence in nature and in history for me is fundamental. It is the substance of faith.

Gradually I must arrive at living it, at feeling it by day and by night, being aware of it when I work and when I rest, enjoying it when I pray and when I love.


Twenty-four hours out of twenty-four! It is the path that leads me to live in the kingdom of God which is the union between heaven and earth, between God and humanity.

But let us understand each other: it is not a matter of establishing the Union with God on our side. Because the Union exists; it already existed before 1 was aware of it.

That is an absolute because nothing exists outside of God.

In God we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28); this is the basis of all reality, the explanation of being, the very significance of Life, the enduring root of Love.

What matters on our side is to become aware of this union, to be attentive to it in faith, to deepen it in hope, to live in charity.

It is the story of the baby who gradually discovers its mother and father, of the woman who finds her husband, of the man who finds a friend. But the mother and father were there already the husband was there already, the friend was there already.

And God was there already. It is for us to discover him within ourselves, not to create him.

God's presence in ourselves, in the cosmos is the invisible, in everything, is basic. You will never be in any place, in any situation, where he is not.

“O Lord, thou has searched me and known me!
Thou knowest when I sit down and when I rise up,
Thou discoverest my thoughts from afar,
Thou searchest out my path and my lying down …
   (from Psalm 139)

And it is silly to think that he is in church and not in the street, that he is in the Sacrament and not in the crowd, that he is in happiness and not in sorrow, in bright, kind things and not on storms and earthquakes.


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