and tell out thy works with gladness,
O most mighty Saviour,
who hast not only died for my sins,
but risen again for my justification.
This memorial of thy Death
is become a feast of joy,
because it is an assurance of thy Resurrection,
as well as a commemoration of thy Passion.
And since thou livest, sweetest Jesus,
we live also:
thy resurrection raised our hearts
from sad despair;
it gives a new life to our hopes;
it makes our sorrows light,
our labours easy,
our lives cheerful,
and our death advantage,
because it hath lost its sting,
and is become the gate into immortality.
We can charm all our fears and troubles
with this one word,
'The Lord is risen;'
yea, 'the Lord is risen indeed.'
For thou hast washed us in thy own Blood,
and made us kings and priests to God,
to offer up at this thy altar
never-ceasing praises.
Therefore with Angels, and Archangels,
and with all the Company of heaven,
we laud and magnify thy glorious Name. Amen.
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